Saturday, March 3, 2007

Good Day

Hi all,

It seems that Brian is feeling a bit better and has even made a request for a Tim Hortons tea - for the roll up the win cup of course... But he is in better spirits and says hello to everyone. He has also eaten a bit - Jello and some cookies :O) They will have to wait till monday to have the chemo taken out as it has run it's course but he seems to be doing okay. He greatly appreciates everybody's posts and well wishes and wishes he can have visitors but because of his low energy levels he is still very tired. I have taken all his posts and he has read them all, they are great spirit lifters and we thank you for that!

Again hope everybody is well!


Friday, March 2, 2007

Brian's Progress

Hello all,

I just talked to mom and it seems that he is still sick but it's more of a tan color than the other stuff. But he is not well. He was supposed to get a sleeping pill last night but the nurses didn't give him one so he's pretty tired today. I'm sure that Shona has emailed a few people but the reality of it is that at this time he won't be coming home. I am printing off all your posts and will give them to Brian when I get to the hospital today.

Love to all!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Chemo Day Three

Hi all, this is christie posting for my mom. Brian didn't have a good day at all today. Due to the nausea he was quite dehraydrated and still sick so this morning so they made the decision to go to the hospital. He has been admitted (although still waiting for a room as of 8pm tonight) to Langley Memorial Hospital. He has been on an iv and after another sick spell seemed to be doing a bit better this evening. I will update this as soon as I hear any more news. Everybody take care and talk to you soon!


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Chemo Day Two

I guess we spoke too soon as Brian isn't doing as well today. He was sick last night and it has continued all today. Not eating but drinking plenty. He is very, very tired and has slept most of the day. Will see how he is doing later and may post then.

Thanks for you support,


Monday, February 26, 2007

Chemo Day One

Today was the first of the Chemo Treatments. It took a total of 4 hours in hospital and Brian has come home well but tired. He will still be continuing his treatment for another 5 days and we'll see how he is at that point. He will be home until saturday when he needs to go back to the hospital to have the treatment bag removed. Other than that he has high spirits and was glad to get this started. Most of today has been spent sleeping and currently not been nausiated - which is a good thing!

Will update soon.
